The Day You Started Walking By Yourself

Dear Luna,

“You don’t know how lucky you are to be here!”, a Korean said to you after taking our family photo in Machu Picchu.

Indeed, you were/are. Machu Picchu’s one of mummy’s dream destinations, and it’s surreal that I got to see it in this lifetime with you and bubba. You don’t remember anything about it… You actually pooped while we were wandering within the archaeological site. Mummy had to quickly change your nappies on some random bench cause the toilet was so far away!

Also, back in Aguas Calientes (town at the base of Machu Picchu) in the afternoon, we found out there was a landslide which blocked the only railroad that services Peru Rail and heaps of us tourists were stranded for hours. While waiting at the station for the next available train, you started walking running by yourself! Watch the videos below, baby love.

Mummy and bubba were probably the only happy tourists at the train station. Seeing you finally walk beat finally seeing Machu Picchu with me own eyes! For realz.

There was a bit of a drizzle in the morn so had to put a poncho on you.

Got this warm ensemble here in Peru. Lookin’ so adorbs!

Postcard perfect. At least I think so.

Just after mummy changed your nappies..

Mummy was a little scared when you and bubba got close, but took this photo anyways (bubba insisted).

“¡Que Linda!”, this girl said to you. And she asked if she could cuddle you in her arms.

Your version of a jump shot (since you weren’t jumping on your own yet).


Because there’s no toilets nearby.

Finally walking by yourself. Also, the chaos in Aguas Calientes’ train station.


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